Saturday, January 24

A Few Thoughts About 27

27 (twenty-seven) is the natural number following 26 and preceding 28
Twenty-seven is a perfect cube, being 3³ = 3 × 3 × 3. 27
Number of books in the New Testament = 27
Number of cubes in a Rubik's cube = 27 (center cube is invisible)
The Sun rotates on its axis once in about 27 days
The 27th lucky number is 127
The planet Uranus has 27 moons
The code (+27) for international direct-dial phone calls to South Africa
Tennis court is 27 feet wide
The current number of Amendments to the United States Constitution = 27
Easter Island lies very close to the 27th parallel
Song by the Dave Matthews Band "#27"
Did you know? Many talented and famous rock/blues musicians died at age 27. These include Robert Johnson, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Brian Jones, Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain
God creates man "male & female" in the 27th verse in Genesis I
Atomic Number of Cobalt (Co) = 27
US auto sales in 2009 should fall about 13 percent and reach their lowest level in 27 years
Number of bones in the human hand= 27
Your favorite Blogger turns 27 today, and is reluctantly accepting it.


  1. Aaaaaaaaaaah 27!! What a great age... I remember it like I was 27 just yesterday (oh. wait... I am/was/is)!

    Hope you had a fabulous birthday weekend, darling! And hope that you spent it doing all the things you wanted to do!

    Miss you stax!

    Much love


  2. HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!! You'll always be our little girl. 27 is great and it only gets better. We love you so much, Mom and Dad


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