Tuesday, January 27

Birth Order Compatibility

I'm the youngest...
Count your lucky stars! As a lastborn, you’re creative, open-minded and interested in adventure. But above all, you’re attractive to men. They’re drawn to you no matter what you do, what you wear, what you say. More than other women, you have a natural power to draw attention to yourself, and it all comes from having grown up with an older brother. Throughout your childhood you had to deal with a bigger, older, stronger male, and as a result you learned to be charming, funny and empathetic. Men sense that they can talk with you about anything, and many will secretly fall in love with you without even telling you how they feel. Your best match, however, is an older brother of sisters. He’s got that romantic touch you find irresistible. Middle boys with younger sisters are also good matches. Older brothers of brothers might be a tad too tough for your taste. Lastborn guys can party with you better than any other men, but you may feel a lack of guidance and direction in a long-term relationship with them.
You have the same birth order as Marilyn Monroe.
Your best celebrity love match is Brad Pitt.

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