Friday, March 27


It's only natural that Spring began only a week ago and we've already had three strangely powerful thunderstorms here in New Orleans. By "strangely powerful", I really mean from midnight thru 4am for the past three nights shacking my house, knocking out my electricity, rumbling my wooden furniture, startling my cat, and waking me up constantly.
OMG - I absolutely LOVE thunderstorms!
They oddly relax me and I get a kick out of all the electricity charging through the air!
Did you know?
Thunderstorms have had a lasting and powerful influence on early civilizations.
Romans thought them to be battles waged by Jupiter, who hurled lightning bolts forged by Vulcan.
Thunderstorms were associated with the Thunderbirds,
held by Native Americans to be a servant of the Great Spirit.

Mjolnir, the hammer of the Germanic and Nordic god of thunder,
Thor, had the ability to throw lightning bolts.

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