Monday, March 23

I don’t know at what exact moment...

I don’t know at what exact moment I began to dislike Kate Gosselin. But I’m pretty sure it coincided with the exact moment I began to hate Kate Gosselin.
Ditto for “loathe,” “detest,” “despise,” “abhor” and “wish she was covered in hungry cicadas.”
A Monday ritual at my place included watching Jon and Kate and enjoy having them remind me that no matter how tough parenthood could be, some people – particularly those who use to be in the vicinity of Hersheypark – had it much tougher. The kids were adorable, the husband was likable – what’s not to enjoy? After being a loyal fan and starting a Monday night maternity marathon, I eventually found out. She was blonde, moderately attractive, slightly frantic, and apparently feels no shame in whoring out her family for finances, or belittling her hard working husband while a camera crew watches awkwardly from the sidelines.. Kate Gosselin. In record time, I went from admiring her strength and commitment to family, to wishing Jon would cheat on her (which got me SO excited with all the Jon bashing gossip going around now), then ask for a divorce (again, excited about all the gossip) on camera, while the children quietly cheered from the sidelines. So, you’re asking, “Why?” Let me tell you, my inquisitive friends. I believe underneath a facade of smiles and a self-congratulatory tone of voice, lies a vicious beast of a human being. Honestly, can we watch ONE show where she doesn't belittle Jon or something else? Now, it's "all been building" to the season finale. Since I've suffered through this season's shows so far, really trying to enjoy what has genuinely become forced family interaction...I cannot wait for tonight's last episodes. We finally get the juicy details being admitted (i.e. having a "helper" who isn't a nanny (please!) and what is that "odd" "difficult" place they're at?)
I can tell you right now what changed everything - Money!
No longer is the show about toughing it out as a family by cutting coupons or seeing how the whole family tries to live's about freebies. Invitations to TV shows, VIP baseball/basketball games, free clothing for the whole family, or first class vacation opportunities. My how things have changed...
I really had hope the rumors were true about them getting booed at the Globetrotters game tonight! Darn! Is that rotten on me to think that?

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