Saturday, July 12

Murder Mystery Dinner

1930's Murder Mystery Dinner

Murder-mystery dinners begin innocently enough—diners arrive to mingle amid drinks and quiet conversation. As diners munch away, a sudden death interrupts the feasting, and a hapless detective arrives to accuse one of the audience members.

It's not every day that a dinner with friends risks a murder accusation. That's a good possibility for the guests of The Murder Mystery Company, who find themselves in the middle of a investigation for which any one of them could stand accused by a hapless detective. During each interactive dinner, the company's troupe of professional improv actors ignites the dining room with entertaining outbursts and hilarious one-liners in an effort to divulge clues and redirect guilt. Meanwhile, guests work together to sniff out the real culprit, which is definitely not the school janitor in a mask.

Money to bribe the other guests with for clues and dirty secrets!
Our table choose the Team Name: "All Wet" for "No Good"

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