Saturday, June 1

NOLA Staycation

My friend Jackie and I walked around the French Quarter all day today enjoy everything NOLA related.

Just like many local treasures - the Ramos Gin Fizz is one of those drinks that you’ll be hard-pressed to find outside of New Orleans. While combining gin with cream and egg whites (among other ingredients) might seem odd, Henry C. Ramos knew he was onto something when he concocted this now infamous cocktail back in 1888.

Few places capture the essence of New Orleans like the Napoleon House: A 200 year old landmark that's as casual and unique as its French Quarter surroundings.
The building's first occupant, Nicholas Girod, was mayor of New Orleans from 1812 to 1815.  He offered his residence to Napoleon in 1821 as a refuge during his exile.

Napoleon never made it, but the name stuck, and since then, the Napoleon House has become one of the most famous bars in America, a haunt for artists and writers throughout most of  the 20th century.

We don’t mean to brag, but New Orleans has a way of taking things that you could find anywhere, and re-engineering them so that they become so uniquely New Orleans, you’d be hard-pressed to find anything else that measures up. The Pimm’s Cup is one such example. While the drink was born in a London bar at the hands of a bartender named James Pimm, the Napoleon House has taken his creation, put a slight twist on it, and placed it down in one of the city’s most charming watering holes.
The cocktail is perfect for New Orleans Summer evenings – cool, light, and refreshing.

Part of a Nabisco ghost sign for Uneeda Biscuit.
From the French Quarter and beyond, the famous Hand Grenade Drink from Tropical Isle is New Orleans "Most Powerful Drink. You can readily spot these yummy drinks in the hands of people on Bourbon Street by the bright green Hand Grenade yard cup.

Fun Times
P.S. It's June 1st - so wishing everyone a happy and safe Hurricane Season.

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