Sunday, July 29

Great Wall of China

I climbed the 10km hike from Jinshanling to Simatai yesterday and I'll NEVER do it again. I rank this at #2 on the most challenging and exhilarating experiences in my life (right behind Mount Fuji). I'll talk more about it later, promise.
Love from Beijing!!!
Tomorrow I go to Mongolia and on to the Gobi Desert.


  1. Oh my - after hearing about your travels ordeals you really need a soft, warm, clean bed/shower in an air condioned room. You even have a black and white lonesome cat waiting on your return. We're ready for you to come home. Have a great time but hurry home. - Mom

  2. You did it! YOU DID IT!!! YAYYYYYYYY!!! Can't wait to see more pics!




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